Learning guitar with papa

Being serious with grandma

A few weeks ago I got a call from my father. He wanted to create a special anniversary gift for his wife; a picture of two trees they pass on the drive home from trips to Niagara Falls. Though I didn't immediately understand the significance of the trees, I gladly agreed. It wasn't until today when discussing printing and framing options that I learned the significance of the two trees. He explained how the they stand together in the open field and how it made him think of Karen and him. Standing firmly, side by side. I was touched at his sentimentality; 14 years together and they're still one of the happiest couples I know. Happy Anniversary Dad & Karen! I hope you both love the picture as much as I do.
Another set of two standing together that I discovered in the fields near the trees. They were too pretty to ignore.
Thanks Tom for the sweet pics of me and the girls!
Photo courtesy of Tomas Flint
Photo courtesy of Tomas Flint
A huge thank you to Steph and Pat for bringing us out to document another special day for them, and for introducing us to wonderful people, places and experiences in Colorado. Many special memories and good friends won't be forgotten.
I've always wanted to go to Colorado and I'm finally on my way. Renowned destination wedding photographer and my partner in crime, Tomas Flint, invited me along to shoot Steph and Pat's wedding in Buena Vista, Colorado. I could 't resist posting the picture below. Anyone who's been on a plane with Tom knows he's an EXPERT at sleeping on planes. He was out within 5 minutes of take off. At least he's not a drooler.
Lookin good Tom! Fun times ahead...