.gratitude for an amazing dad.
I am fortunate to have a lot of wonderful people in my life. Friends and family have made my days brighter, safer, and full of love. I could write line after line of how thankful I am for each of them but today I'll pick just one in honor of Father’s day, my dad. Over the years he has given me wagon rides, read me bedtime stories, sang to me my favorite songs on his guitar, cheered me on at soccer games and helped me mend a broken heart or two with lots of love and words of wisdom. My faithful guide through life, he taught me how to throw a football, how to do math, how to play cards...and even how to gloat when I win. He taught me to be strong and make good choices. He taught me how to navigate through life's bumpy roads.
He is so much of the reason I like the person I've grown up to be. He has supported me, educated me, set me straight (when I needed it), encouraged me and understood me. It is because of him that I understand the value patience, honesty, and most importantly the value of myself. Because he loved me. No matter what. And if I deserve the love of a man as awesome as my father, than I deserve anyone’s love.
We got together yesterday to spend time enjoying the warm summer day together. Cold beers, good grillin (courtesy of grill sergeant Mike) and some fierce bocce competition made it a perfect day.

The boys in battle. Tom, Mike, my dad and Bill
The Best of Times - Me, My Dad, Karen, & Mike (and no we didn't plan to wear matching greens!)
Many thanks to
Tom for catching this sweet shot
My father is a man of endless knowledge, strength and integrity. He's a constant example of the kind of person I strive to be and I am grateful he's my dad. So a VERY Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there, and especially you dad. I'm full of dad-itude for having a father like you with me every step of the way. Thank you for being you.