My Journey through life's radiant moments. Documented frame by frame.

Passionate about photography. Inspired by life. Always seeking to combine the two.

I see beauty and inspiration everywhere I look and it's my hope to capture bits and pieces of it wherever I can. To relive life's shining moments and to share with all of you. Here you'll find images and words that give you a glimpse of my world. Hopefully you'll leave inspired by something you see...and when you are I'd love to hear about it. If you want to drop a note, say hello, or inquire about a session or event, please email me at
Browse around, share your ideas, be radiant in life!

- kelli

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Stash Bash '07

It all started with a mustache and a dream. Lindsay was browsing around Archimage when she stumbled upon a package of fake stashes. Of course we had to find use for them, and since summer has been insanely busy we dedicated last Sunday as a day for ridiculous fun (aka Stash Bash 2007). Of course we were camera happy early in the day and the pictures prove it. I swiped a few images Tom and I snapped from his blog.

Tom gets credit for this fantastic invite

Lindsay's cupcake men

Thanks Tom for the sweet pics of me and the girls!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a blast. If there's a stash bash 08, I'm there.

Anonymous said...

frick'in awesome!! hehe.