My Journey through life's radiant moments. Documented frame by frame.

Passionate about photography. Inspired by life. Always seeking to combine the two.

I see beauty and inspiration everywhere I look and it's my hope to capture bits and pieces of it wherever I can. To relive life's shining moments and to share with all of you. Here you'll find images and words that give you a glimpse of my world. Hopefully you'll leave inspired by something you see...and when you are I'd love to hear about it. If you want to drop a note, say hello, or inquire about a session or event, please email me at
Browse around, share your ideas, be radiant in life!

- kelli

Friday, January 4, 2008


It's true; I disappeared from blog-world for the entire month of December. Caught up in the rush of holidays, work, work, and more work, dedication to my blog has waned. But with the New Year, I have renewed energy, big ideas and great images to share. As I'm looking out the window at one of many gray days in New York, I'm inspired by a picture I stumbled on from vacation in the Bahamas last year. Warmer weather, bluer skies, and a slower pace. I'm officially making my New Years resolution (4 days late, but who's checking?) to get back to this place before 08 ends...and i'm taking the lensbaby with me.


Now that's a right start to the new year! 08 promises to be an incredible one.
Best to you all!


Anonymous said...

take me with you!

.:tomas flint:. said...

welcome back kel!!! i didn't realize that you had made resolutions. does pantelleria in April count?? or does it have to be the bahamas??

kelli marsh said...
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